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Raising A Polite Kitten

September 24, 2024

Have you just adopted a kitten? Are you planning to get a new feline pal soon? Kittens are almost impossibly cute. Their tiny, furry faces, squeaky little meows, playful antics, and all-around charm can definitely melt hearts. However, getting little Fluffy is a big responsibility. One thing that is crucial for new pet parents is teaching your feline pal proper manners. A local Slidell, LA vet offers some advice on that below.

What Is Socialization?

Socialization is the process of getting your tiny furball used to interacting with others. For cats, the biggest part of this is making little Fluffy comfortable with people. With dogs, puppies also need to learn how to behave around other canines. This is also good for kitties, but it’s not quite as crucial.

The best way to socialize a kitten is to get her used to being handled. You don’t want to force attention on her. That will actually backfire, and may make her afraid of you. Make sure to let your furry friend determine when cuddle sessions start and stop. However, don’t be surprised if you find that little Fluffy is quite a purrball. Kittens adore feeling loved and safe, and many love being held and petted.

Play Attacking

One thing that you’ll most likely find yourself dealing with is play fighting. Cats are hunters by nature, so they are instinctively driven to master those tricky pounces, bites, and kick-scratches that would earn them dinner in the wild. 

To be fair, it is pretty cute when kittens pounce on your shoelaces or jump on your toes under the blanket. However, this can become quite dangerous behavior for an adult cat. It’s best to nip it in the bud.

Teaching Your Kitten Good Manners

Speaking of manners, attacking people probably isn’t the only thing your furry pal may need some corrections on. You might need to teach your tiny friend that she isn’t allowed to jump on counters or steal your pizza when you aren’t looking.

With this sort of thing, you’ll want to always focus more on positive reinforcement. That isn’t to say you can’t correct bad manners: you just need to be careful not to frighten your furry pal. Annoying her is much more effective.

If little Fluffy does something wrong, do something that will startle her and irritate her without actually hurting or scaring her. One option is to clap your hands. You can also squirt her with water or stomp your foot. You just want to make your pet form a negative association with the undesired habit.

You can also offer verbal criticism. Use a stern tone, but don’t shout, and say the same thing every time. This will help get the point across. Then, walk away and ignore your furry pal for a while.

Positive Reinforcement

Teaching your furball what not to do is only part of the process. You’ll also need to reward her for behaving politely.

This is actually the fun part. Most kittens really crave attention. Little Fluffy just wants to feel safe and loved. Cuddling, holding, and petting her can all make your tiny furball happy, which will get you that adorable smug look our feline pals get when they are content.

Here’s a fun fact: cats actually see us as their second parents. (Clearly, some kitties also see us as their maids, cooks, butlers, and furniture, but that’s another topic.) When you snuggle your pet, a specific hormone, oxytocin, is released in you both. This reinforces feelings of being secure, comfortable, loved, and happy. In fact, it’s also released in mothers and babies when they snuggle.

Pay lots of attention to your little pal. Playtime, ear scritches, chin rubs, and lap space can all keep that motor going, and are key to bonding.


The other thing that’s important here is consistency. Don’t wiggle your fingers for little Fluffy to pounce on one day, and then punish her for it the next. Every time your pet bites you, address it.


Aside from manners and petiquette, there are a few other things to keep in mind. If you don’t plan to let Fluffy snuggle up with you in bed at night, set that ground rule from the start. The same goes for things like getting on counters and going outdoors, which we highly discourage.


While we’re mostly focused on manners here, we also have to address a few safety issues. Petproofing is very important for anyone with an animal companion, but it’s particularly crucial for those with kittens. Baby cats are extremely curious. While this is of course really cute, it’s also quite dangerous. Little Fluffy is very fragile. Accidents can literally happen in split seconds. You’ll want to take time to make sure your home is safe for your feline pal.

Here are a few things to address:

  • Toxic Plants
  • Small/Sharp Objects
  • Plastics
  • Chemicals
  • Medication
  • Ropes/Cords
  • Unsafe Openings

Ask your Slidell, LA vet for more information.


Another thing that would be good to do at this point is get your cat used to being brushed and groomed. Start by just petting your kitten. You’ll want her to be relaxed and sleepy. If she likes to sleep on your lap, that would be a good time. Start by just gently petting her, going in the direction of her fur.

Dental care is also important. Kitties benefit from having their teeth brushed just as much as people do. Of course, trying to get that point across to an adult cat can be tricky. Ask your vet for grooming tips.


Most cats are only crated for travel or when they are headed to your Slidell, LA  vet’s or perhaps during a move. Getting your furry friend used to her crate now will definitely make this easier for her in the long run. Add comfy bedding, and toss in a few fun toys.


Did you know that one of the best things you can do for your cat is play with her? This is good for a few reasons. For one thing, little Fluffy will get regular exercise. She’ll likely be pretty feisty in that adorable kitten stage, but she’ll slow down over time.

This is a great habit to get into with a kitten. Playing gives your little buddy a healthy way to burn off any kitty angst she is feeling. That’s something she’ll never outgrow. This is also great for bonding.

Veterinary Care

Last but certainly not least, get your little buddy started out on the right paw in life by making sure that she is getting proper veterinary care. That first year is a big one. Little Fluffy will need to get her initial vaccines and exams. She’ll also need to get started on parasite control.

Also on the agenda? Spay/neuter surgery. While this is definitely very important for fighting pet overpopulation, it’s also extremely beneficial for behavioral reasons. Your feline pal will be naturally calmer and better behaved once those hormonal urges to mate have been removed. She’ll also be less likely to spray, and won’t be as interested in running out. Plus, there are health benefits, such as the reduced or even eliminated risk of certain cancers. Ask your vet for more information. 

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